Chelsea Flower Show 2013 - a Bubbly Buzz from The Garden Furniture Centre.

Chelsea Flower Show 2013 Bubbly in the Apple Day Bed

All in all The Garden Furniture Centre opened 120 bottles of Laurent Perrier for complimentary drinks on their Trade Stand at Chelsea Flower Show 2013 ...

"We wanted to create a buzz for the Centenary Year at Chelsea Flower Show 2013 - and we definitely managed it. The Trade Stand was packed all week and we even had a visit from Antonio Carluccio - The Godfather of Italian Gastronomy - we couldn't have hoped for more."

Jon Haimes.

Making friends at Chelsea Flower Show 2013 ...

We had visits from all sorts of different people over the Centenary week at Chelsea Flower Show, 2013. Even a couple all the way from the USA who took advantage of the fizz at 8.30 in the morning! Well done guys - it was great to talk to you.

But our most memorable and charismatic visitor has got to be Dave Thomson - the Chelsea Pensioner who took us under his wing and joined in with the fun and festivities. Dave is a Performance Poet and this certainly shone through when he visited us ...

Dave Thomson creating a stir a Chelsea Flower Show, 2013. Dave Thomson creating a stir on The Garden Furniture Centre Trade Stand at Chelsea Flower Show, 2013.

And A really big thanks to Bruce for keeping the drinks cold for the Centenary Celebrations ...

Have you met Bruce The Bull Cooler before?

He's a really a chilled out guy made completely from old 44-Gallon Shipping Drums recycled and imported from Vietnam.

And he went down a storm with the visitors - probably because he was full of unopened bottles of beer that he was dishing out like hot cakes, bless him, he loves a party ...

Bruce The Bull Cooler doin' it with a smile Bruce The Bull Cooler doin' it with a smile

And when we weren't on the stand the Gorilla was on guard ...

The Gorilla on guard at Chelsea Flower Show 2013 The Gorilla on guard at Chelsea Flower Show 2013 ...

And no one messed with him.

A few people took him home though.


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