A Few Fun Facts about Flowers ...

Say it with flowers!

They come in all shapes and, in most cases, sizes and brighten up our world but we thought we'd uncover a few of the less well known fun facts about flowers for you.

1. Broccoli is a Flower ...

We do not think of broccoli as a flower nor do most florists display broccoli in their floral cooler. However, broccoli, in fact, is a flower. Broccoli is harvested before the flower buds fully open and eaten as a vegetable. Maybe it’s time we start incorporating broccoli in floral arrangements.

2. Sunflowers Save Lives ...

Surprisingly sunflower stems were used to fill life jackets. Floating sunflower rafts have been used to clean up water contamination from the Chernobyl disaster. The roots of the sunflowers remove up to 95% radioactivity by drawing the contaminants out of the water.

3. The Old Boy …

Discovered in China in 2002 the flower, Archaefructus Sinensis is proven to have bloomed around 125 million years ago making it older than mankind.

4. Dirty Colours …

The colour of the flowers on Hydrangea’s can be a bit of a mystery until they bloom as their flower color is determined by the relative acidity of the soil; blue flowers are associated with more acidic soils and pink flowers are associated with more alkaline soils.

5. Bzzzzzz …

Certain flowers only release pollen when a bee buzzes on them.

6. The Thumbnail …

The watermeal, or Wolffia globosa is found all over the planet and is about the size of a grain of rice. The flower this bright green oval plant produces is nestled in a small depression on the surface of the plant and it is said that a bouquet of these flowers would fit on the head of a pin!

7. The 4 Million Dollar Flower …

Juliet rose is known as the “£3 million rose” ($4.37 million) because that’s how much it cost famed rose breeder David Austin to create the apricot-hued hybrid over the course of 15 years. It was first showed at The Chelsea Flower Show in 2006 and was greeted by a lot of horticulturalists with dropped jaws!

We hope you enjoyed these few fun facts about flowers - we certainly enjoyed getting them together!

But don't forget the flowery furnishings ...

We sell a number of funky accessories with a flowery theme - simply click the links for more info.

Lotus Flower Party Bowl:

Novelty Flower Planters:

LED Flower Pots:


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