The amazing power of the flower …

It’s that time of year, isn’t it?

That time of year when we have Valentine’s Day and then Mother’s Day in quick succession meaning thoughts of flowers are on everyone’s mind.

Of course, it may well have something to do with thoughts of the imminent spring season, longer days and warmer weather as well.

Whatever it is it seems to lighten up the mood little a put a fresh twist on things in general.

Flower stories dominate the social sphere …

There is nowhere that supports this idea more than the internet where, in recent weeks, ‘stories of flowers’ have been, literally, everywhere.

For us, there were four that really stood out.

  1. The spritely young chap in Utah who took it upon himself to buy flowers for all 834 girls in his High School.

Hayden Godfrey, 17, saved for a year and a half and spent $450 on 900 carnations.

And he was pretty chuffed with himself as well, apparently he posted on Facebook after the event …

"So I did a thing today," Godfrey wrote on Facebook. "Today I passed out 900 carnations, one to every girl at SVHS and it was totally worth it. I don't think anything can compare to seeing every girl in your life holding a flower as they walk through the halls."

Source – USA Today.

  1. The wonderfully romantic story from Japan as reported in the Daily Mail Online on 18th February 2016 about a loving husband’s labour of love.

“Toshiyuki Kuroki and his wife Yasuko had been married for 30 years when she began to have trouble with her sight.

Within a week Mrs Kuroki, from Miyazaki Prefecture, had gone blind, after suffering complications from her diabetes.

Mr Kuroki, a dairy farmer, had to watch on helplessly as his wife became depressed and withdrawn from the world.

But he struck on the idea of creating a garden so beautiful that people would come to visit it and keep her company.”

Mr Kuroki subsequently took it upon himself to quit dairy farming and spend the next decade turning the farm into a massive flower garden full of bright pink shibazakura flowers.

The spectacle now attracts over 7000 visitors each year who chat to his wife and lift her depression.

  1. On a slightly crazier note, we have recently been treated to some flowers in space.

What – we hear you ask?

Well apparently Scott Kelly, crew member on the International Space Station has managed to get a crop of zannias to bloom in this most unforgiving of environments.

flowers in space

Wired reported that …

“The ISS zinnias, along with the control group grown on Earth at NASA’s Kennedy Space Centre, are part of the ongoing test of the Veggie plant growth equipment, which scientists hope to one day implement on deep space, Mars-bound missions.”

4. Don't judge a Fossil by its flower!

flower fossil

Strange but true!

And finally, some flower themed furniture …

As you’d expect, being a garden furniture retailer there is a flower theme to certain items in our online catalogue.

We’ve highlighted some of the best items for you below.

Lotus Flower Party Bowl:

lotus flower party bowl

A new addition to our range, this has proved really popular with its novel design and iconic lotus flower theme.

Water Hyacinth Furniture:

This was first introduced a couple of years ago when our overseas manufacturers started using the abundance of water hyacinth in their waterways as an alternative to rattan.

It was first introduced through our Bellagio and Monte Carlo natural water hyacinth conservatory suites and then moved into the synthetic outdoor equivalent through our Montana Range.

Montana Sofa Suite with Olefin Cushions in Lime Green and Burnt Orange. Montana Sofa Suite with Olefin Cushions in Lime Green and Burnt Orange.

Novelty Flower Planters:

These make a great addition to any home or commercial environment and are a part of our huge range of Recycled Garden Ornaments.

balloon flower planter balloon flower planter

And there you have it – we hope you enjoyed our take on the power of the flower!


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