An Amazing Day with Kerry Katona ...

On the 15th August we were lucky enough to have Kerry Katona visit our Showroom in Warwickshire and do a product launch of our Silvertex Range and a meet and greet with fans.

Why did Kerry Katona to pay us a visit?

You can see the full report on how the day came about here - but for those who don't know ...

We made one of our Silvertex Corner Units available to her for an upcoming photoshoot she has with OK Magazine in return for the chance to have her as an ambassador to our brand for the day and she agreed.

Kerry Katona trying out The Silvertex Corner Unit Kerry Katona trying out The Silvertex Corner Unit

Obviously, we were over the moon as it’s not only massive exposure for us but also a great advert for Yew Tree Farm Shopping Village where we’re based.

On the day with Kerry Katona …

An amazing day with Kerry Katona An amazing day with Kerry Katona

Well, firstly it’s worth mentioning that on the run up to the day we were fortunate enough to have the event publicised in the printed copy of The Sun along with the Coventry Telegraph and the Leamington Courier locally.

In fact, it was even picked up by websites in the USA.

We were slightly stunned and of course overwhelmed by all this publicity that looking back we almost had to pinch ourselves to be convinced it was real.

By this time we had also put it out to over 60,000 people on Facebook and been promoted on Twitter by Kerry to her half a million or so fans.

Things were definitely hotting up in the, well, Showroom.

Of course, we then proceeded to run round like headless chickens getting everything prepared the Showroom for starters needed some updating - not to mention the fact that we’d advertised ‘Free Fizz and a Hog Roast’ on the day.

A real buzz in our Showroom A real buzz in our Showroom

However, the 15th August arrived and everything went very smoothly indeed.

The fizz flowed and the punters were happy enjoying the succulent pork baps that simply required a donation to charity rather than a fixed price.

The special deals we put on for the day went down a storm and we had one of the busiest days on site of the year - as did the rest of the units in the shopping village.

Kerry is a wonderful character who brightens up the atmosphere with a witty sense of humour and chatty nature making her very approachable and putting everyone at ease.

An amazing day with Kerry Katona

In fact, the feedback from everyone involved was that the atmosphere felt unique all day.

Both local and national press photographers were there and for the half hour of her visit we dread to think how many lense clicks were pointed at Kerry Katona as they followed her every movement around the Shopping Village.

Something which had us gaping in awe but, as for Kerry, she was completely un phased by it, of course.

We’re sure you’ll see from the photo’s we’ve included that the day was a lot of fun.

Why not follow in Kerry’s footsteps and see our amazing brand of furniture for yourself?

Lisa from our Sales Team with Kerry Katona Lisa from our Sales Team with Kerry Katona

We’d love to see you and there is also the small matter that we often have exclusive showroom deals that offer prices that you won’t find in our online store.


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