5 of the Best Shade Loving Plants

Most UK gardens have a shady area that need brightening up with a touch of colour. Perennials are usually the best choice for a flowerbed, though you could always select a shrub that will continue to grow and spread, as long as you feed and nurture it correctly.

The low-down on five shade loving plants ...

1. Beautiful Buddleias ...

As common on waste land as in an English country garden this plant is hardy and a constant delight. Renowned for its deep purple or white flowers the buddleia is also very popular among butterflies and will attract many species to your garden.

You should give it a vigorous prune just before the autumn frosts in order to encourage new growth in the spring, but that’s really all the attention that this plant needs. A buddleia from Spalding Bulb is a perfect solution for a shady area in your garden, and you can always use its blooms to add to a floral display inside your home.

2. Hostas are wonderful ...

Hostas make perfect plants for shady herbaceous borders.

Hostas make perfect plants for shady herbaceous borders.


These plants are renowned for their resilience and take around five years to reach their full height, about three feet. You should mulch the soil and ensure that it’s well watered, and then this plant will thrive. Some varieties - Hosta Halcyon, for example - will provide beautiful flowers, and others have stunning variegated leaves as well as flowers.

3. Bulbs love the shade ...

Most spring bulbs love the shade. Other varieties to look out for are the sweet smelling lily of the valley and the magenta coloured flowering cyclamen.

According to the Royal Horticultural Society website bluebells and narcissi also do well in the shade. If you think of the flowers that thrive in an English woodland setting, you’ll be on the right track for planting inspiration for your garden. You could always introduce foxgloves to your flowerbeds; they love the shade, and look beautiful too.

4. Flowers for containers – the Polyanthus ...

Some city dwellers might want to brighten up their balconies, but worry that this won’t be possible thanks to a lack of sun.

In fact there are quite a few species of plant that are perfect for shady areas, and do well in containers. Winter flowering pansies aren’t too fussy about their access to sun and neither are members of the brightly coloured polyanthus family.

With a selection of bright yellows, deep mauves and fluorescent pinks, this hardy little plant is ideal for brightening up the gloomiest of balconies.

5. The Anemone – really rewarding plants ...

Anemone's – really rewarding plants

If you’re searching for a deceptively fragile looking plant for your garden’s shady beds, then look no further than the anemone. With its delicate pink or white petals, this beautiful plant is perfect for anyone trying to create a cottage garden effect.

It doesn’t like being moved around much, and once you’ve planted it, you can always take a cutting for propagation. This plant likes almost any soil, and as long as it isn’t exposed to too much water it should thrive in any garden.

Many thanks to William Hayes at Spalding Bulb for providing us with these enlightening insights.


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