Charity Bluebell Walk in Warwickshire …

We’re lucky enough to be based on the picturesque Yew Tree Farm Shopping Village in stunning rural Warwickshire along with a number of other businesses and a working farm.

There are plenty of activities on and off site throughout the year but perhaps the best well known is the Charity Bluebell Walk that, weather permitting, happens on the May bank holiday weekend every year.

The 2014 - Charity Bluebell Walk raised £20,000 …

And we’re hoping this years bluebell walk smashes that.

Each year the shopping village donates to a different charity.

2014 saw us donating to {?} and this year we’ve chosen the Stratford Cancer & Eye Hospital Appeal a new development approved back in October 2014 and planned to be finished in 2016.

Charity Bluebell Walk for Stratford Hospital Appeal

This is a very worthy appeal as the finished project will offer essential eye and cancer treatments to people locally within a reasonable distance of their home.

Currently many patients have to make very long journeys outside the area for their treatments and in many cases - particularly with cancer patients - this has meant that crucial treatments have been missed.

Things are looking positive already in actual fact as we’ve already seen plenty of enquiries through the website from people attended the walk last year.

Fancy a walk in the bluebells this May bank holiday?

Then come along to Yew Tree Farm on either the 3rd or 4th of May.

Charity Bluebell Walk on Yew Tree Farm Shopping Village

The bluebell walk kicks off at 10am on both days and finishes around 4pm and entry will only cost £5 per adult with the kids going free.

Dogs are welcome but we’d just ask you to keep them on a lead so the bluebells can be enjoyed to their full by everyone on both days.

To support the event there will be a Hog Roast on both days and at the shopping village you will find refreshments from either The Cow Shed Cafe or Yew Tree Farm Shop in the form of fresh local produce and either soft or alcoholic beverages.

Plenty of delights besides the bluebells …

Although the bluebell walk is the main attraction over the May bank holiday it is by no means the only reason to visit Yew Tree Farm.

There’s a whole host of other delights in the Courtyard Shopping Village.

Farm Shop at Yew Tree Farm

As previously mentioned you can relax in or outside The Cow Shed Cafe with either a light snack or a full meal or you can grab a quick bite and something to drink at Yew Tree Farm Shop that also stocks a good range of fresh local produce and homebakes.

Obviously, our 10,000 square foot Garden Furniture Showroom is located on site as well with a range of teak and rattan furniture along with parasols, swing seats, gazebo’s, etc.

Are you or is someone you know a connoisseur of fine tea? Well then you’ll want to stop off at Grey’s Teas and take in over 100 speciality teas from around the world.

Got pets? Then perhaps The Parlour Pet Boutique is for you.

Or you can sample the range of antiques and crafts on site, the lifestyle clothing shop, Beyond The Blue or perhaps you may want to book a return visit to Katey Smith the beauty therapist.

The choice is yours but whatever you do don’t miss the bluebell walk!

The Local Area …

There is also a fantastic local area around the farm in the village of Wootton Wawen. With plenty to do and see it is well worth venturing out and having a look around after the Charity Bluebell Walk.

Warwickshires Oldest Church:

Saxon Sanctuary in Wootton Wawen

The Saxon Sanctuary, about five minutes walk down the road from Yew Tree Farm is thought to be Warwickshires oldest Church with the site dating back to between 726 and 736 when the then  King of Mercia, Aethelbald gave Aethelric of the Hwicce 2000 acres of land for a monastic settlement of Benedictine Monks at what was then called ‘Wudu Tun.’

Canal Boat Hire:

Just opposite the farm you have The Navigation Pub located on the canal and it from here that you can arrange canal boat hire and take a trip out for the day, weekend or a even a week if you’re feeling adventurous.

Canal Boat Hire Wootton Wawen

The Bulls Head:

This olde world public house is set back from the main road in plentiful grounds and serves great food either indoors or out, well worth a look.


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