Chelsea Flower Show - Award Winning Trade Stand Design …

The immense amount of work and effort that goes into setting up a garden exhibit at The RHS Chelsea Flower Show is no secret.

Garden Designers spend thousands of pounds and work tirelessly to create unique landscaping and show off their intimate knowledge of horticulture and planting in their attempt to claim that coveted Chelsea Gold from the judges in their chosen category.

This is demonstrated perfectly by Chris Marchant in her recent article for the Telegraph about their Mondrian-inspired Chelsea Flower Show Garden where she sums it all up with the following observation …

“The drama of Chelsea Flower Show is great, and is in direct proportion to the effort, skill and dedication invested in it by so many expert players.”

And, year after year, the results are stunning.

Diary of a Trade Stand at RHS Chelsea Flower Show

Not just about the Show Gardens …

However, there are other exhibitors at the show who go that extra mile to show off their wares – not least companies like us who have a Trade Stand each year.

And, in a similar way to the garden exhibits we are judged on the quality of our offering with the judges offering Trade Stand Awards to those who are considered to have the best offering.

Last year we were fortunate enough to win a Trio of Trade Stand Awards from the RHS but missed out on one at Chelsea.

So, in 2015 we’ve vamped up the effort and have gone all out to either equal it or, even better, top it.


Our RHS Chelsea Flower Show Trade Stand Design wins Three Star Award for Presentation.

Award Winning Trade Stand Design

The Award Winning Trade Stand Design from start to finish …

The video shows the final Trade Stand Design in all its glory on Press Day, below you can view a photo diary of the steps taken to implement the full design from start to finish ... enjoy.

Our preparations started over a week ago with the non-descript piece of ground you see below and a carpenter called Ben – seen here with a wheelbarrow!

A blank canvas at Chelsea Flower Show 2015

The initial work was overseen by a well packaged Bruce the Bull Cooler.

Bruce The Bull supervises the initial phase

And, after minimal swearing and a lot of sweating the floor foundations are completed and levelled.

Trade Stand flooring is complete and level

Que the walls, decorative panelling, engraved back panels and floor tiles followed up with a good wash down.

The Trade Stand Design really starts to take shape

The plants arrive – it wouldn’t be an RHS Trade Stand Design without the plants!

The plants arrive

Then the furniture arrives and Ben has some lunch! Brucey’s probably buried somewhere by now.

Ben has some lunch

The furniture goes in in earnest now and the Trade Stand design really takes shape …

Stand Design really takes shape

Ready for the festivities to begin …


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