Connecting Children with Nature and the Fear Factors

We all know the positive effects of being outdoors and being at one with nature - now is the time to reconnect our children with the great outdoors.

A recent study by Yougov on behalf of the National Trust has found that parents could do with more support to enrich family life by making the outdoors a regular part of children's activities.

National Trust Survey

Replies to the survey indicated that parents need family-friendly spaces with plenty of greenery where they can experience nature at first hand. It's clear that not all families have access to larger gardens where there is often an abundance of wildlife to experience and enrich the knowledge and well-being of children.

More help could be given to families by including family networks to encourage children to play outside. Relatives including grandparents could share the duties and get children outdoors more often and on a regular basis.

Schools can also encourage more in the way of outside learning activities where staffing levels allow. Building regular play and learning elements around nature can make a huge difference and enrich children's outlook on life.

The Fear Factor for Parents

The survey included 419 UK based parents who had children under 13 years of age. The results highlighted a number of concerns that most parents have that curtailed children's outdoor experiences.

Among the top worries for parents with young children were:

Danger from strangers - 37%

Not enough safe outdoor play areas - 25%

High volumes of traffic - 21%

Boosting Outdoor Experiences for Children

The over-riding message gleaned from the survey was that there needs to be better and safer play areas for pre-teenagers especially.

Of the solutions to the problem of children experiencing the outdoors safely were:

Creating safer areas to play - 45%

Increase of supervision in play areas - 32%

Additional outdoor activities arranged by youth groups and schools - 31%

Of course a balance needs to be struck in terms of allowing children a free rein to wander far and wide; and normal safety precautions for their whereabouts. However, children can only grow in confidence when they can experience some new adventures for themselves; particularly when they can begin to take in some levels of responsibility for themselves.

It's always difficult to get the balance right but the evidence is clear of the clear benefits for children being closer to nature more often.

For more information see the Yougov survey in more detail

Other ideas for encouraging children outdoors >>


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