Not Just a Bunch a Benches …

Benches have been around for years and, largely they can go unnoticed.

Today there are endless designs and sizes - all you have to do is take a look at our range of garden benches to see this for yourself.

However, there are certain benches out there that stand out and catch the eye due to their flamboyant, and sometimes downright ridiculous, designs.

We’ve rounded up some of the more unusual designs we’ve come across in our travels but first we’re going to offer a few of the more unusual insights into the history of the bench.

Benches - what’s the story?

Archaeological digs on Neolithic building sites have revealed evidence of chair and bench-like seating so it seems that benches have been around since the Stone Age, if not earlier.

Benches were the most common seating when chairs were first commissioned for important people and this is where the term ‘chairman’ comes from.

The original bench design is thought to be an extension of the common chest that was originally used as a storage container and a seat.

One of the most famous benches is the Lutyens Bench which was originally designed by renowned architect Edwin Lutyens.

Still awake?!

Good, because now the fun really begins …

Crazy Bench Designs from around the world …

Use only what you need …

Use only what you need bench

This bench has been created as a take on a famous saying and always gets a smile.

The whale bench …

Whale Benches

The designers here have cleverly used the natural form of a whale’s tale as it dives to form what looks like quite a comfortable seat.

Benches for giants …

Giant Benches

Whoever took this photo has used a clever illusion to make the user look tiny when in actual fact it’s just an oversized bench.

The silhouette bench …

Silhouette bench

Firstly, we were struck by just how much this bench looks like a men’s latrine; then we noticed the outline of a person cut into it and had to giggle!

The view point bench …

View Point Benches

You take your life in your own hands just getting to this bench - let’s hope the view’s worth it when you get there. Some benches can find themselves in the most compromising situations almost stranded in mid-air.

Benches in the face …

Benches in the Face

We love this as it looks like the two heads are having a tug of war and fighting over a plank of wood while inadvertently making a great bench.

Feel free to send us some pictures of your favourite funny and unusual benches and we’ll publish them and give you a credit for contributing.

Until next time ...


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