Galaxy Garden - Garden Spotlight October ...

Galaxy Garden - Gravitational Pull ...

The Galaxy Garden was a winner of a Gold Award from The RHS Judges at Tatton Park this year. The inspiration for this stunning example of off-the-wall landscaping comes from Davis Vaughan who have quite a reputation for their unique take on landscape design in a variety of settings.

Don't get dragged in - you may never get out ...

The Galaxy Garden by Davis Vaughan The Galaxy Garden by Davis Vaughan ...

Leon Davis and Brendan Vaughan have won a Gold Award from The RHS in 2012 and 2013 for their unusual themed landscape designs.

This year they delivered the fantastic Galaxy Garden which is inspired by thoughts of black holes, in particular the gravitational pull associated with these that draws matter from outside, in.

The black hole itself is represented by the conical steel and timber construction that forms the centre-piece of the design.

This structure penetrates a vertical grass wall which is symbolic of the Event Horizon - the point at which matter cannot escape the gravitational pull ...

There is an air of foreboding associated with the design and the way it seems to be swallowing all the vegetation and plantings, (such as the 'Blue Lilly' and 'Otto Luyken'), around it and this works to explosive effect.

The vertical grass wall represents the Event Horizon The vertical grass wall represents the Event Horizon ...

Davis Vaughan are located in The North West of England and do landscape design and Build for clients both big and small largely across Manchester, Chester and Lancashire.

Leon Davis studied Fine Art for a degree and initially worked in Creative Industries before taking a career change and applying his skills to devastating effect in the Landscaping Industry.

His partner, Brendan Vaughan originally trained and forged a career in Engineering but then moved his talents and applied engineering disciplines to the principles of both commercial and domestic landscaping.

Both partners consult and design to clients on an individual basis as well as their combined efforts for Davis Vaughan.

Attention to detail is a feature of their designs Attention to detail is a feature of their designs ...


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