Garden Fleece

Frost Protection for Plants

Garden Fleece

Are you a keen gardener who spends most of the year tending to the garden, nurturing plants and shrubs or simply one of those people who potters about with a small interest in keeping things tidy?

Whichever you happen to be winter is usually a testing time for keeping plants in the garden alive especially when temperatures drop to below freezing, or as like last year we have an extended period of snow and ice, which fails to move quickly.

winter cover

Fortunately, you can help to protect your lovingly maintained gardens with garden fleece that provides beneficial protection against the worst of the elements nature has to rage against us.  Manufactured from a breathable lightweight material, garden fleeces are designed to develop a platform of warm and insulating air for your plants and shrubs to survive.

Fleeces work on the principle of trapping air which is transformed into warm air enabling your plants to thrive and develop even during the coldest parts of the winter period.  Daylight and water are allowed to pass through to help nurture, leaving you safe in the knowledge that your plants are well protected against even the harshest elements.

Frost Protection

Green garden fleeceGarden fleeces can be found in all kinds of different shapes and sizes to suit many different kinds of trees, shrubs and bushes.  They offer protection for many kinds of plants in the garden not just for frost protection but in addition protection against birds and insects as well.   Manufactured from strong, lightweight material the porous fabric allows watering without removal.
By using a drawstring this ensures the fleece fits securely.  Mega fleeces can be found in sizes anything up to 2.4m x 2m, large enough for trees comparable to palm trees, bay trees and olive trees.

Plant Protection

Whilst garden fleeces are perfect for larger trees and shrubs in the garden, plant protection can be fun as well.  Plant jackets manufactured from lightweight, strong fleece material can be found with various animal designs printed onto them.  Whilst still being practical and offering a micro-climate to encourage growth in addition to protection against severe frost and wintry conditions, they also look fun for the patio as well as the garden area too.

sheep fleeceAlong with the ability to provide frost protection for plants from overnight frosts to as low as -5 degrees, garden fleece is ideal for leaving on new plants at the beginning of the season when a late frost can damage young growth.  Therefore if you are considering ways of protecting your garden from the wintry conditions that have already been forecast this coming year, why not take a closer look at garden fleece cover and jackets.


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