Garden Gnomes – the little known truths …

Let’s face it any self-respecting garden retailer will have a selection of Garden Gnomes.

And, as a retailer, we’re no different but our garden gnomes Larry and Lionel are slightly different from the norm. Hand made from recycled scrap metals in highly bespoke designs, you could say they buck the trend slightly.

Larry and Lionel the Garden Gnomes Larry and Lionel the Garden Gnomes ...

But one thing is for sure they come from the same background and have the same quirky history as any other garden gnome out there.

Garden Gnomes – a few interesting things you may not know …

Most people love garden gnomes because they’ve got character, they’re cute or simply just because, well, they’re garden gnomes.

But when we actually stop and think about it what do we actually know about gnomes?

Here’s a few facts you may not know …

  1. The garden gnome is quintessentially British. This was all down to a certain Charles Isham who originally brought a number of terracotta figures back from a trip to Germany – these were then placed in his garden and became the original garden gnome.

  2. After settling in the UK in the early 1400’s they then decided to expand their horizons and take a trip to the USA with Christopher Columbus in 1492 – they just couldn’t resist the large expanses of greenery available to explore.

  3. Gnomes do carry knives! However, for very peaceful purposes like helping animals out of traps and removing splinters from paws!

  4. They bring good luck – in fact our ancestors often used to place them near livestock to watch over them.

  5. They kiss by rubbing noses and are also vegetarian with a particular love of nuts, mushrooms, berries and fruits.

  6. They have a general life expectancy of around 400 years and their mortal enemies are trolls.

And the reason no one has ever seen a real live garden gnome? Because the sleep during the day and are only active at night of course!

To find out a few extra random facts from our very own Larry and Lionel in person please feel free to click here.


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