Garden Spotlight | The Garden Furniture Centre ...

Our Garden Spotlight to give You Inspiration ...

The inspiration behind our Garden Spotlight feature ...

During the course of the year we are lucky enough to exhibit and buy furniture at various Home and Garden related Shows and Trade Fairs.

Our RHS Experience in 2013 ...

This gives us the perfect opportunity to to share what we come into contact with in a regular, 'Garden Spotlight,' feature so you can get inspiration from the top levels of professional gardening and landscaping to apply in your own gardens.

Garden Spotlight Award Winning Gardens at Tatton Park Garden Spotlight - Award Winning Gardens at Tatton Park ...

Garden Spotlight - Tatton Park 2013 ...

The W. H. Hammond Garden at RHS Tatton Park Flower Show this year truly was an inspiration.

The garden was designed by Fiona Alexander who developed her passion for garden design later on in life after spending a number of years designing jewellery for W. Hammond - something she still does as well as working as a Walled Kitchen Gardener at Kelmarsh Hall in Northampton.

Fiona Alexander Garden Wins Bronze Medal. Fiona Alexander Garden Wins Bronze Medal ...

This garden thoroughly deserved its Bronze Medal ...

The Concept:

It depicts the evelution of Whitby Jet Gemstone. From Jurassic beginnings as part of, 'The Monkey Puzzle Tree,' through the fossilization process which has given us the gemstones now Beach Combed from the North Yorkshire Coast today.

Samples of which are turned into beautiful and unique jewellery designs by W. Hammond Today.

The Design:

The coastal planting with plants like, 'Elijah Blue,' and, 'Sea Pink,' reflects the coastal origins of the gemstone and there's an impressive example of Whitby Jet featured as well.

Beach Combed Whitby Jet Beach Combed Whitby Jet featured in the garden ...

There is a sustainable element to the garden as well with the use of green oak sleepers, natural pebbles and sustainable wooden stakes.

We probably don't need to tell you that the flowing water element as a centre-piece reflects the coastal origins of the gemstone found in abundance today.

There's even a, 'Monkey Puzzle Tree,' planted!

There is also a Gemstone featured which alludes to the beautiful jewellery designs made from Whitby Jet and produced and designed by Fiona and the team at W. Hammond.

Beautiful Whitby Jet Jewellery from W. Hammond Beautiful Whitby Jet Jewellery from W. Hammond ...

We hope you enjoyed this garden Spotlight from The Garden Furniture Centre  - we plan on doing one of these every month from now - next time we'll feature the Award-Winning Landscape and Garden Designer, Phillippa Probert, so until next time ...




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