Going Green in the Garden ...

Garden Furniture and Accessories ...

By 2050, with a projected increased global population of 9.6 billion, we would need the equivalent of almost 3 planets worth of resources to sustain our way of living, if our current consumption and production patterns remain the same. These statistics provided by the United Nations don’t look good, and nearly all authorities on climate change agree that it is a man-made issue. The good news is that many people are being motivated to make changes in their lifestyles to decrease negative impact on the environment. One major area that can be altered for leading a more eco-friendly lifestyle is right in your own backyards, literally. There are many ways to build and maintain a garden that is both environmentally friendly and enjoyable.


Sourcing quality, eco-friendly patio furniture is a great place to start the journey to an eco-friendly and enjoyable garden.  When trees are cut down for the purposes of making furniture, it increases the amount of carbon in our atmosphere, contributing to climate change. Consider purchasing furniture made from reclaimed materials to cut down on deforestation.  Buying good quality furniture helps to ensure that you don’t have to replace it frequently, saving both money and resources. Invest in solar powered patio lights to save energy, as well as making sure that pools and spas are using the most energy efficient equipment available. 

Types of Plants ...

Although plants are inherently eco-friendly organic life forms, there are certain types of plants that will help to move a home garden toward fully sustainable and eco-friendly.  Drought tolerant plants are a good place to start. In the nursery, look for plants that have silver or greyish leaves that reflect sunlight, as many of these are do not require much water.  Lavender, aloe, eucalyptus, poppies and rosemary are all good places to start when it comes to drought tolerant plants.  It’s also important to choose plants that optimize carbon dioxide absorption. Scientists believe that the planting of trees to absorb excess carbon emissions will be a viable and long term solution to the worrying amounts of carbon dioxide currently in our atmosphere.  Oaks, pines and yellow poplars are some of the best trees for absorbing carbon.  Finally, planting a vegetable garden can have a huge impact on the environment. Not only will you save money on delicious produce, but just one pound of veggies grown in an organic backyard garden, saves two pounds of carbon dioxide from commercial farming machinery.

Gardening Habits ...

As well as the types of plants in the garden, the way they are tended can have an impact on the environment, starting with fertiliser.  Synthetic fertilisers are one of the greatest contributors of greenhouse gases, as well as manure, which releases methane into the atmosphere.  Instead, use compost that you can make right in your own backyard. Compost bins can be bought or made at home, then simply toss food scraps, garden clippings, and paper waste into the bin.  You’ll save money on fertilizer and make sure that kitchen scraps aren’t going to waste. To save on water, use mulch to reduce evaporation and water plants deeply every few days to promote healthy and deep roots which makes plants more drought tolerant.

Going green in the garden can seem like a daunting task at first glance, but in the end will bring great satisfaction. Adjusting sustainability levels in your garden will save money, contribute to your health by reducing chemicals in your life, and help heal the environment.


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