New Patio Tomatoes - Introducing Donna and Tarzan

Grow Your Own TomatoesGrowing your own fruit and vegetables isn't as difficult as you may think. Especially when there's a new selection of hybrid tomato varieties that have just been released.

The two new tomato plants, named Donna & Tarzan, are perfect for growing on your patio, in containers and in pots with the aim being to get some great tasting fruit that's also easy to grow.

The new cherry tomato varieties are aimed squarely at the home gardener. Donna is great for growing in baskets and produces lots of sweet tasting fruit that's great to pop straight into your mouth.

Tarzan it good for growing in pots and produces a high volume of tangy and tasty fruit you won't be disappointed with.

Donna & Tarzan Tomato Plant Highlights:

Aimed at the home gardener

Easy to grow in a sunny spot

Compact bush size

Good volume of fruit

Cropping time late summer/autumn

The plants generally don't need to be supported and are ideal for trailing from containers. It's estimated that Donna should produce around 100 fruits around 3cm across; it has a beautifully fresh and sweet flavour.

Tarzen produces a slightly larger more sharper tasting fruit, having a diameter of around 5cm, and the bush grows taller to around 40cm. This is an ideal tomato for barbecues and can compete with meats as it has a more piquant taste.

Overall both of these new 'grow your own' varieties make a great choice for the patio. For more information and to buy the plants click here >>



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