Hampton Court Flower Show - Gorilla goes wild ...


What a show …

Where do we start?

Gorilla goes wild for our Third Trade Stand Award of the year at Hampton Court Flower Show …

This marks a bit of a milestone for us as it means we’ve done three RHS Shows and won an award for the presentation of our Trade Stand at all three.

Last year we won a trio of three star awards at RHS Shows and with Tatton Park still to go in a few weeks we’ve got the chance to make it a full house and win four awards in 2015 – fingers crossed.

trade stand award hampton court flower show

And, as with all the shows the Gorilla put on a good show and celebrated the award to its full potential …


Mind you, it paid off for him when he got pride of place in Bentley – nice one Gaz!


Hampton Court Flower Show is always a blast and 2015 was no different – in fact we’d say it’s the best we’ve been to so far.

The weather was fine and the atmosphere had an electric feel to it making everyone involved feel like they were a part of something special which, looking back now, we were.

Anniversaries, anniversaries and more anniversaries …

Just where do we start with these?

Well, for starters it was the 25th anniversary of Hampton Court Flower Show itself and this seemed to give the Garden Designers a bit of a license to do something a different and off the wall and made for a stunning display for show goer's.

And then there was the 800th year anniversary of the Magna Carta which was recognised in grand style with its own garden exhibit.

Hampton Court itself celebrates its 500th year anniversary in 2015 which seemed to make the extravagant palace even more glorious in the sunlight …

Hampton Court Palace in the sun

Believe it or not Alice in Wonderland is in its 150th year after first going to print and we certainly felt the effect of this on the trade stand after a quick trimming down.

a trimming down at Hampton Court Flower Show

Alice in Wonderland garden at RHS Hampton Court  Flower Show

And let’s not forget Winnie the Pooh who reached the ripe old age of 100 in 2015 – looks like all that honey did him the world of good and got him a splendid RHS garden exhibit for his birthday year.

winnie the pooh garden

And New Beginnings announced as well …

Perhaps the greatest news from the Hampton Court Show came from the powers that be within the RHS when they announced there was to be a new RHS Flower Show in 2017 to be held at the 300 year old Chatsworth House located in the picturesque Peak District and belonging to the Duke of Devonshire.

Great news as far us and many other people are concerned we’re sure.


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