Spotlight - Janine Pattison Studios ...

It's that Interview Spotlight time on our blog again folks and this time round we're delighted to be able to announce an intrerview with Janine Pattison from the hugely respected Janine Pattison Studios.

Janine has recently won Garden Designer of the Year 2016 and we're sure you'll find her answers to our spotlight questions as insightful as we did ...

1. What were your initial motivations behind pursuing a career in Garden/Landscape Design and what advice would you offer others with similar aspirations?

I’m a rather spirited person, always happiest outdoors with my hands in the soil, so I knew working for other people wasn’t for me.

Denise and I always wanted to go into business together, and as she’s a designer and I’m a horticulturalist, garden design was our first choice.

I would advise anyone interested in the industry to find their local BALI representative and go along to some events. It’s a large industry - take your time finding your niche - you might be surprised what calls to you most.

2. What would you consider your greatest achievement as a professional in this field?

We are proudest of our team at Janine Pattison Studios. They are incredible people. Loyal, warm, talented and so hard-working.

3. What, in your opinion, are the key elements to a successful Garden Design?

Simplicity. In sympathy with the landscape and the client’s needs.

4. How important, in your opinion, is the furniture in Garden Design/Landscaping?

Well, it’s about making sure the furniture is in the right place to catch the morning and afternoon sunshine, so it draws the client outside to use it. It needs to be in sympathy with the style of the garden.

5. Which historic Garden Designers do you take the most inspiration from?

The late Russell Page is a inspiration - he coined the phase ‘spirit of place’ which I, as a garden maker, feel perfectly sums up how we should work.

Janine Pattison

We hope you found this latest Interview Spotlight enlightening and we would like to thank Janine Pattison for very kindly taking the time to answer our questions.

To find out more about Janine Pattison Studios please click here.


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