How landscaping your garden can help sell your home ...

For a lot of people a garden is a make or break part of the home and they desire not just an outdoor space, but an attractive, well laid out one at that.

Behind the kitchen, the garden is possibly one of the most important areas for people when it comes to purchasing a house. Any estate agent will tell you that one of the first things people want to see when they go to see a home is the garden.

A few ideas to get you started ...

Leading on from this, it’s clear that the more attractive a garden and the more it meets a person’s needs, the more likely they will be to purchase the home and you will make the sale. So, what do you do to make your garden more attractive to a perspective buyer – estate and letting agents Redmove have the following suggestions.

Decking and Furniture ...

Teak Patio Tables and Chairs

A decking area is the perfect place for those who love the garden to enjoy the summer sun. It’s a laid out area that’s perfect for chairs, tables and even eating out doors, should the great British weather allow it. Investing in some decking, tables, chairs and a BBQ needn’t cost a significant chunk but it can add pounds to a property and also makes it a lot more desirable and thus easier to sell your home quickly.

Awning or Covered Area ...

Leading on from the decking point, adding an awning or covered area outside of the home is also very desirable. By having a covered area you create the alfresco feel, while also ensuring you have an outdoor space even when it’s showery. It’s the perfect place for late summer meals, a cocktail or just lazing around and reading and for buyers or renters could be the thing that encourages them to choose your home over someone else’s.

Green Lawn ...

One of the first things people tend to look at when they go outside is the lawn. A lush, deep green lawn is always going to create a better impression than a patchy one. Caring for your lawn is relatively easy and can be achieved through following a few simple steps. Aeration, feeding and ensuring that it’s not cut too short or home to a Wembley like football scenario on a regular basis will help ensure it looks good and makes that good impression and improves the kerb appeal.

Flowers ...

Landscaping your garden with flowers
No garden is complete without flowers, it’s that simple. They add a splash of colour, are attractive and don’t have to cost a lot. There are plenty of affordable flowers out there that make your home more desirable and don’t require you to be green fingers to make the most of. Adding flowers gives the impression you care for the home, they make people happy and create that positive psychological feeling that encourages people to move in.

Play Space ...

Adding garden play space for children can be a real deal maker when it comes to selling a home. If your home is likely to appeal to families, then adding little extras like a sandbox outside for instance can make the home seem a lot more appealing. Little add-ons like this allow people to visualise living there with their families and are a good investment.

Making your home more appealing indoors is one thing and quite common. However, a little investment outdoors can go a long way too – so we’d advise that you consider them.


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