Lest We Forget - A Garden Memorial

The poppy which marks rememberance day for those who lost their lives in ww1


Lest We Forget

God of our fathers, known of old—
Lord of our far-flung battle line—
Beneath whose awful hand we hold

Dominion over palm and pine—
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,

August 4th 2014 will mark the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War 1

The Great war started in 1914 and came to an end in 1918 claiming over 16 million lives. Of these lives an estimated 704,803 were British soldiers.

To mark the anniversary; Events, commemorative ceremonies and research projects will be taking place over the next four years to honour and celebrate the lives of those who fought for us and for our country.

Why should we remember?

You may wonder why we should remember, when so much misery and pain were inflicted and so many suffered or lost their lives, but it is not that which we should remember..
We should remember the courage of those persevering in the face of adversity and standing up for what they believed to be right. In remembering, we can keep the memory of them and their sacrifices alive, as they deserve.

A Tribute At RHS Hampton Court

This week we’ve been at the RHS Hampton Court Show and we spotted an amazing garden that has been designed to remember the generation that fought in the war as there are now no living survivors from that time.
Below are some of the snaps we got of the stand.

Lest we forget - The Garden furniture centreTank at RHS Hampton court for Lest we Forget Memorial


Paying tribute to ww1 soildiers with garden designs Inside the trenches in the lest we forget garden design


Paying tribute to all those who servied in ww1 from nurses to soldiersAgain, tribute is paid to all those who served in  The Great War


Remember those who lost their lives with this fantastic ww1 garden design


Isn't it fantastic? What a wonderful way to remember those who lost their lives. We'd love for you to share any memorials you come across with us, either below or on our facebook/twitter pages.


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