Preparing your garden for spring

You maybe forgiven for thinking that winter is a quiet time for the garden with little to do, but those couple of months where the harshest of temperatures give way to the warmer spring months barely give us time to consider our plans to prepare for the spring season. You will soon need to be considering your plans for spring as the garden comes back to life and the flurry of activity such as seed sowing and growing comes along.

Here are some great tips to get you into shape for spring.

In the house

There are several things you can do to get yourself organised if the weather defeats you and you can't get outside. Order seeds and plants online, now is the right time to think about what to do with your garden. If you already have seeds, consider the sowing date and sort into order, month by month. Plant out hanging baskets and containers, think about which kind of plants to use in each. If you are a keen vegetable gardener, plan out your veg plot for the forthcoming year ensuring good crop rotation.

Consider your patio

Take a good look at your Patio Furniture and begin any maintenance that is needed. For wooden furniture a gentle rub down and varnish will help. With more luxurious furniture such as rattan garden furniture, a wash down with soapy suds and a sponge will remove the worst of the winter grime and debris leaving it ready for use in the spring.

Clear up borders and beds

Having got through the worst of the winter season, it is the perfect time to have a good tidy up. Remove leaves and any other debris from lawns, ponds and borders. Dead growth needs to be cut back from deciduous grasses and perennials at this time, although the wildlife may still appreciate some cover for a little while longer. If you are able to work through the soil, now is the perfect time to begin laying in well rotted compost or green waste into garden borders.


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