How to restore aged teak without ruining it …

There’s a reason that teak – or the 'Jewel of the Forest' as it is sometimes called – is preferred by so many when it comes to outdoor furniture.

Firstly, it’s supremely workable allowing crafts people to achieve a finish far superior to that can be achieved with other timbers.

Secondly, it’s naturally dense grain and high oil content make it perfect for outdoor use all year round.

However, as a specialist retailer of Teak Furniture for over two decades we also find that it can be associated with a number of misnomers, particularly when it comes to restoring aged teak.

This is a question we get asked over and over again, very often when people have taken the wrong advice and are left with a very expensive item of teak furniture that is quite simply, ruined.

Aged teak – the facts …

Firstly, like any other timber, teak will age and change appearance over time.

Freshly harvested teak has that stunning honey-coloured lustre and many expect this to last forever.

But it doesn’t, over time and with exposure to the elements it will take on a silver-grey patina with the natural ageing process – and it must be said that this aged appearance is also loved by many.

However, for those who prefer the former appearance the problems quite often occur when they try to restoring aged teak to its newer appeal.

And this is because they either …

  1. A) Over complicate the process …

OR …

  1. B) Take advice from misinformed people and use Teak Oil – you can read more about the dangers of this here.

Restoring aged teak – the easy and most effective way …

To demonstrate just how uncomplicated this process need to be we took one of our stunning Balmoral Benches that is five years old and followed three simple steps to restore it to its original glory.


how to restore aged teak - before picture


how to restore aged teak - after picture

And here’s the simple 3 step process we followed to achieve this cracking result …

  1. Use a Jet Wash to clean the timber thoroughly …

  1. Apply Teak Cleaner evenly to all surfaces …

  2. Sand the bench down to restore the aged teak to its beautiful honey-coloured lustre …

If you are new to the delights of Teak Furniture then you can read more detailed information on the subject here.

And if you’re feeling really flash there are a number of different cosmetic treatments available for teak as well – these are explained here.


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