The many faces of our Mighty Apple Day Bed ...

The Apple Day Bed - every garden should have one ...

Monte Carlo Apple Day Bed The Monte Carlo Apple day bed from The Garden Furniture is irresistable ...

Doesn't it just make you want to get in it?

And you're not alone - plenty of satisfied customers across the UK felt exactly the same way before they paid for one.

Let's give you some more details ...

Shaped like an apple, the frame is made from toughened aluminium with ViroFiber - a high quality, outdoor rattan-weave - hand-woven around it in a choice of colours. The Apple Day Bed will look great in your back garden untarnished for years to come.

ViroFiber - High Quality Rattan-Weave ViroFiber - High Quality Rattan-Weave

There's even a removable, woven apple stalk on the top for that beautiful, finishing touch. 

The Apple Day Bed - a real crowd-puller ...

The Apple Day Bed is a key exhibit on our Trade Stands every year at various RHS Flower Shows - and it goes down a storm every time.

The general public just can't resist it - particularly when there's a complimentary glass of Laurent Perrier on offer like there was on our Trade Stand this year at Chelsea Flower Show for the Centenary Celebrations ...

The Apple Day Bed at Chelsea Flower Show 2013 Bubbly in the Day Bed at Chelsea ...

 Our Apple Day Bed compliments its surroundings perfectly ...

From Day Bed to Cabana in seconds From Day Bed to Cabana in seconds ...

It loves the outdoors ...

The rattan-weave is built for whatever the British weather throws at it all year round and we supply it with a weather cover that can be used while you're using it.

Or, in the case of the lady near Colchester who we recently delivered one to - while the dogs are using it!

The chunky cushions can be left outside with it all year round - they love the outdoors as well - and they come in a choice of vibrant colours that compliment the rattan-weave.

They are, of course, fully dry-cleanable and comply with UK Fire Retardant regulations.

The Mighty Apple Day Bed - a stress-free purchase ...

We'll deliver the Apple Day Bed to you completely free of charge in the UK Mainland and we assemble it for you - or your pets - when we get there in location.

We leave the enjoyment up to you ... although a cup of tea while we're there always goes down a treat.

You can find more details on our delivery page.

Apple Day Bed - every garden should have one ...


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