What You Need to Know About Outdoor Heating Safety

Whether you have the towering and sleek Athena Gas Patio Heater or a classic fireplace model, an outdoor heater can do a world of good for enhancing your outdoor space.

Not only does it provide you with warmth, but it also adds an element of elegance to your garden. However, there's more to these heaters than just its style, as they can be a huge safety hazard if you're not properly familiarized. Fortunately, we've listed down some top tips in ensuring outdoor heating safety so you can enjoy one at home...

Read the Instruction Manual

More often than not, the outdoor heater's instructional manual is ignored. While it may be lengthy, it contains key pieces of information that will help you keep fire risks at bay. Indeed, the Health and Safety Executive notes these instructions cover everything from intended use of the product to proper installation and, of course, safe use of the product. However, there's no one-size-fits-all manual, as each model is built uniquely. To this end, thoroughly reading the contents of your model's manual can make all the difference for your outdoor heating safety. Moreover, be sure to write down important safety instructions, such as minimizing fuel leaks and stabilizing its stand, so you're prepared in case of a potential accident.

Secure Safe Placement

The placement of your outdoor heater can either make or break it. As explained by Hunker, installing it in a location that's exposed too much to the natural elements will easily blow out the flame. But before selecting any spot in your garden or patio, it's also vital to keep possible safety hazards in mind. For instance, it's recommended to keep an outdoor heater over a metre away from any combustible material. Another thing to watch out for is the surrounding area, as it will need an open area to ensure proper airflow. Lastly, be sure that it has a solid and smooth surface so it can stand firmly and not be easily knocked over.The placement of your outdoor heater can either make or break it.

Pictured: Our Athena Plus Gas Patio Heater.

Ensure Proper Maintenance

Since outdoor heaters are normally used during the cold seasons, you'll likely keep it covered every now and again. Nonetheless, you should always keep a good eye on your heater, as properly maintaining it ensures that it will work safely when the temperatures begin to drop. To ensure proper maintenance, be sure to read the manual to help you disassemble and clean the debris inside if the heater hasn’t been used in a while. Then, you can clean the surface with water and soap or a polisher. Once everything's spick-and-span, you'll need to reassemble it with help from the manual. Last but not least, you'll need to check for broken parts — particularly, hoses, reflectors, and emitters. If you’re not confident about your own assessment, then it’s best to call a technician who can do it for you. It is important that you treat your outdoor heater with the same care and attention you would your indoor heating system. HomeServe highlights the importance of finding providers you can trust in order to keep your home’s heating systems working properly. And just as you’d get your indoor heating systems regularly serviced to ensure they are safe and ready for use, it’s important to give your outdoor amenities the same TLC, too.

Pictured: Our Chesney Terrace Gourmet Heater & BBQ.

Establish House Rules

Learning the hazard and risks is the first step to outdoor heating safety. The next and equally essential safety measure is properly informing your household about what you've learned. This is especially crucial if you have children in your household. As adults, it's your responsibility to educate them about the basics of fire safety before letting them go near the outdoor heater. You can even teach them what to do in case of an emergency — from protecting themselves from dangerous smoke to calling the fire service.

To stay updated on the latest trends for outdoor furniture, be sure to look through our different posts here on The Garden Furniture Centre.

Pictured: Our Chesney Heat & Grill

For gardenfurniturecentre.co.uk - An article by Abigail West


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