Why Gardening is Good For You ...

Getting out in the garden and looking after your backyard isn’t just a hobby, but can have major health benefits for you also.

Being outside is a great way of breathing in the fresh air, and being active.

By caring for your plants, you’re also caring for your own body. Being active and engaged with gardening can help you tick off many of the factors of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The more gardening you do and the better you look after yourself has been proven to increase your lifespan.

Here are some important points about why gardening is good for you.

Vegetable gardening is good for you ...

By eating the food you have grown in your garden, or buying from local resources, makes a far more tasty meal. You’ll be getting fresh produce as you have the luxury of eating the fruit or vegetables immediately after they’ve been picked. The fruit and veg that you buy from supermarkets isn’t as fresh as you think as it has had time to change chemically, therefore maintaining less nutritional value.

Vegetable gardening is good for you

Connects you with nature ...

By growing your own garden you will feel more connecting with the land and nature. In the world we live in today we are constantly surrounded by material objects and whizzing technology. It is important to strip it back sometimes and re-connect with our roots (quite literally). If you have children, growing a garden teaches them an important life lesson about understanding the different seasons. It also teaches them about the origin of vegetables and plants, whilst encouraging all the family to exercise, but also relax on lazy summer days.

Burns calories ...

By spending the afternoon gardening you’ll be engaging in moderate exercising. You have to bend down, get up, walk around, and use your arms. You’ll be surprised how much activity you’ll be participating in during gardening. Three hours of gardening is roughly around the same amount of one hour in the gym. So organize your tools, throw on some relaxed clothing and get yourself in the great outdoors.

Being active ...

If you’re lounging about all day, and not engaging yourself in an activity that involves body movement, you’re going to develop a nasty case of laziness. When you’re sat around all day it confuses your appetite hormones, making you tend to snack more and not feel satisfied. This is due to boredom. So pop out in the garden and pluck some weeds.

Sooth illnesses ...

When you’re feeling poorly you’ll need zinc lozenges to improve your health. Combine this with herbal teas and honey and you’ll be well on the way to recovery. You can grow a range of herbs in your garden allowing you conjure up a range of tasty infusions.

Herb gardening is good for you

Enjoying a hobby ...

Engaging in your passions and interests makes for a healthier happier well-being. It not only keeps your body active but also your mind, helping you keep younger for longer. Gardening fulfills your artistic side as you decide what looks best where, and what colours compliment others. It also fulfills your physical side, as you’re being active and productive.


• Stretch before and after gardening. You’ll be using muscles that you don’t usually use on a daily basis. With this in mind, it’s important to make sure you take the time to stretch to avoid any cramps or tenseness after gardening.
• Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you’re unsure about something there is plenty of garden tips and advice available to you. You’ll be able to learn and also meet new people along the way too.
• Play safe! Always take care when climbing ladders, and using sharp tools such as hedge cutters and mowers.
• During the hot summer months, its very important that you wear a wide-brimmed hat and sun cream to avoid getting burnt. Being out in direct sunlight all day with no protection is certainly not good for your health.

Thanks to Georgina at Hillsborough Fencing for providing these fascinating insights.


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