World's Largest Tree House?

Building your own tree-house is every child's dream. I was lucky enough to be able to build my own out in some local woods but it never looked anything like this.

The Minister's Tree House

Photo credit: By Megan - Blue Shoestrings

The Horace Burgess Tree-house

This huge tree-house carries some amazing statistics:

Height - 97 feet or 29.5 metres

Number of floors - 10

Rooms: 80

Space - 8,000 to 10,000 sq. feet

Nails used - 258,000

Cost to date: $12,000

The wooden construction is supported by a live white oak tree that's 80 foot high and has a large diameter of 12 feet.
The Tree House

Photo credit: By Paul Mashburn's Captures

So why did he build it?

"I built it for everybody. It's God's tree-house. He keeps watch over it," said Burgess, who got his idea in a vision that came to him some years ago in 1993. "I was praying one day, and the Lord said, 'If you build me a tree-house, I'll see you never run out of material."

At the very top of the tree house is a chiming tower that weighs an incredible 5,700 lbs. It's quite possible that the structure started out as a more traditional tree-house but the fact that it is really built around a tree, rather than up in it, is neither here nor there.

Guinness record tree-house


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